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Inicio >Estera plástica >Cuadro Mats > Estera antirresbaladiza
Almohadilla de silicona
Almohadilla de silicona Almohadilla de silicona
NO: M0416

Información de producto:
I. Vinyl Transparent Tablecloth, made of 100% PVC in different thickness ranging from 0.08mm to 0.35mm.
II. Vinyl Transparent Tablecloth, made of 100% PE in different thickness ranging from 0.08mm to 0.35mm.
III. Vinyl Non-transparent Tablecloth, made of 100% PVC with one side printed or two-side printed in different thickness as well ranging from 0.08mm to 0.35mm.
IV. Vinyl Tablecloth with PVC Coating and felt backing (PP back or Dacron Back).
V. Vinyl Tablecloth with Embossed Lace finish.
VI. Vinyl Tablecloth with spun rayon fabric (Flannel)
VII. Vinyl Tablecloth in THREE layers, the top layer made of super clear OPP which will prevent you from directly touching printing ink. More healthy!
Wherever you are from, whoever you are, welcome to purchase our tablecloth with victory.
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Manteles Nueva 2009
Hermosas flores Mantelería
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